Political strike: Reflections on the Brazilian experience

Huelga política: reflexiones sobre la experiencia brasileña

Main Article Content

José Pedro Pedrassani


This article examines the nature and legal treatment of the right to strike and introduces the concept of “political strike”, within labor relations in Brazil. To this end, it analyzes how the International Labor Organization (ILO) defines and delimits this right. It highlights the absence of a specific convention or recommendation on this subject, but analyzes the ILO’s “Compilation of decisions of the Committee on Freedom of Association”. This text emphasizes the distinction between strikes with labor and union demands and those of a purely political nature, which are not covered by the principles of freedom of association, according to the ILO. Moreover, it discusses how the Brazilian Constitution and labor legislation treat the right to strike, focusing on two important rulings of the Federal Supreme Court and concludes that the “political strike”, although socially relevant, requires a restrictive interpretation and does not fully fit into the legal framework of strikes focused on labor interests.


Article Details

Author Biography (SEE)

José Pedro Pedrassani, Instituto Brasileño de Derecho Social Cesarino Júnior Getrab-USP

Lawyer. PhD in Labor Law (USP). Master in Procedural Law (UFRGS). President of the Brazilian Institute of Social Law Cesarino Júnior. Research fellow at GETRAB-USP. Currículo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8765886594937191.

References (SEE)

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