Information For Librarians

Subject. The Revista Derecho del Estado is an academic publication that is open for discussion. It promotes the theoretical, analytical and critical analysis of state organizations and public law in general, with the understanding that by means of doctrinal debates it is possible to advance, from the legal science stance, in the development of improved rights and freedom regulation, in perfecting democracy and the consolidation and defense of the constitutional State.

Periodicity. The first edition of this journal appeared in January of 1997. It is  published three times a year from 2019 onwards (January-April / May-August / September-December), and includes research work performed by Colombians and foreign researchers. It also includes articles from the academic activities of the Constitutional Law Department of the Universidad Externado de Colombia.

The journal has an open call for papers throughout the year. In this regard, the Editorial Committee select documents that meet the aforementioned process to compile the content of each number.

The call for papers is permanently open throughout the year. The Editorial Committee will select the content of each issue from the documents that meet the requirements in order of approval.

Recipients. This publication is targeted to students, researchers and professionals interested in subjects relating to constitutional law, international public law, administrative law, political science and in general, to Colombian and international problematic issues. In regards to the papers which address academic affairs from the frame of reference of other countries, these must contribute to the systematic debate of the Latin American region and not be limited to isolated studies.

Selection. The Revista Derecho del Estado is committed to the fulfillment and elevation of general academic standards. For this reason, all articles will undergo a rigorous evaluation process prior to publication, using a format designed for this purpose.

Selection and publication of texts will not depend on theoretical concepts, points of view or selected methodology. The only consideration will be quality, rigor and the implicit norms of all academic work, with preference given to unpublished documents relating to the vast scope of public law, especially those that fit within the following categories: discussion articles, scientific research articles and revision articles[1].

The Editorial Committee of the journal will carry out a preliminary evaluation to verify that the article complies with the rules regarding style and content indicated in the rules for authors for the presentation of originals. Subsequently, it will be sent to two expert reviewers outside the Editorial Committee, according to the double-blind model for their respective review. If any of the evaluations is negative based on rigorous argumentation, the Journal may reject the article. This process, which is above all a feedback and constructive criticism process, takes approximately six months.

The peer reviewers will be people with no conflict of interest in relation to the authors and their works, who must demonstrate knowledge of the ethical standards of research, particularly those referring to the management of plagiarism and the review process of external peers, as well as accept the assessment confidentiality statement.

Afterwards, the authors are informed about the decisions and comments of the referees, who may suggest (i) not to publish the text, (ii) publish it as it is or (iii) publish after including some recommended changes. In the latter event, once the modifications have been made, the Editorial Committee would take the final decision regarding the publication of the article.

Charges for Publication

Revista Derecho del Estado does not impose any fees for evaluating or publishing the contributions it receives.

Requirements. There are no author processing charges or submission charges for publishing in this journal. Also, the journal is committed to international standards of scientific publication. It follows the guidelines of the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010:

Guidelines for authors can be found in:


  • Publishing language shall be Spanish, but texts in other languages may be included.
  • The manuscripts of the articles must be sent through this page (register here) or by email to: [].
  • Works may be submitted by magnetic media, in (Word) .doc format, single spaced, using Times New Roman, 12- point font.
  • Word limit: Between 8,000 and 12,000 words.
  • The title of the document must appear in Spanish and English and next to the author's name a footnote must be placed with a summary of his resume, his institutional affiliation, the contact email and his name. ORCID number (if you don't have it yet, please create your profile here).
  • All articles must contain a summary of a maximum of 200 words and keywords, both in Spanish and English. For keywords, please consult the EuroVoc thesaurus. There, the article can be located thematically by selecting the words that best identify it. You must select at least five keywords and a maximum of seven.
  • The manuscript may have a summary with the titles and subtitles. The numeration for the tytles must be in arabic numbers, like this: "1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3.", "2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3.", "3. 3.1 3.2. 3.3.", etc.
  • To prepare footnotes and bibliographical references, an adaptation of the ISO 690:2010 standard is followed. See the citation and reference guide here.
  • The transcripts that would take place within the text will be in quotes and without the use of italics. Every word or phrase that is written in a language other than Spanish must be in cursive characters, characters that may also be used to highlight a word or phrase in which you want to emphasize. Bold characters will only be used in titles. Abbreviations and names of authors must be in small caps.

Articles must be unpublished. When forwarding work on magnetic media, the author must clearly state:

1. If agrees with the Editorial Policy of the Revista Derecho del Estado from the Universidad Externado de Colombia

2. Whether the article has ever been published, and

3. That the article is not in the selection process of another academic journal or publication.

4. Use of IA: Generative artificial intelligence is not considered authoring. In case any AI tool has been used, the following statement should be added:

"For the preparation of this paper, I/we have used [AI tool] for [reason]. However, the content was reviewed and edited. For that reason, I/we am/are responsible for the entire content of the manuscript."

License. The journal requires the author’s approval, through a license of use, for editing, publication, reproduction, distribution and public communication of its work; in physical and digital format, for exclusively scientific, cultural and non-profit purposes. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication, which will be licensed with Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. The reproduction of documents in other printed or electronic media must include an acknowledgement of the authorship of the work and its initial publication, as set forth in the license. The authors may disclose their documents in any repository or website. 

Access to contents. Immediately after publication, the articles will be sent to different databases and indexing systems for the dissemination of its content medium. The articles are available for free on the website: []. The journal is indexed in Colciencias (category C) and Scopus. It is available in the following data bases: Scielo, RedalycPhilosopher's Index, Academic Source-EBSCO, Cengage Learning, Proquest, Latam-Studies, HeinOnline, SSRN, REDIB and Dialnet. Also, it can be found in the Latindex Catalog and DOAJ directory. 


[1] Discussion Articles: Documents presenting research results made from an analytical, interpretive or author’s critique perspective of a specific subject, referencing original sources.

Scientific Research Articles: Documents presenting, in detail, original results of completed research projects. The most common structure used contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

Revision Articles: Document of results of a completed research, which analyses, systemizes and incorporates research results, either published or unedited, of a science or technological area, for the purpose of reporting the advances and development tendencies. It is characterized by the presentation of a conscientious bibliographic revision from a minimum of 50 references.