Emotional Intelligence for the Success of a Hotel Company

La inteligencia emocional para el éxito de una empresa hotelera

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Mar Pineda-Rodríguez
Francesc Fusté-Forné


This research analyses the role of emotional intelligence in the performance of hotel companies, a sector created by and for the people, where being emotionally competent is essential. The aim of this study is to find out the influence of exhibiting emotional skills on job satisfaction, communication within the company and leadership, and how these factors can foster business success in hotel organizations. To discover the reality of the hospitality context around emotional intelligence, employee satisfaction surveys have been analyzed and 42 interviews with employees of a hotel in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, were carried out and the employee satisfaction surveys have been analyzed. While results confirmed the relevance of emotional intelligence in the hotel context, the research showed that it requires more recognition.



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