Covid-19 Vaccine Refusal: Tourism Implications

Negativa a la vacuna contra el covid-19: implicaciones en el turismo

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Mariano Lechuga Besné
Blanca Correa-Guevara
Zadith Rajin Vilchis


The objective of this study was to find out the beliefs, attitudes and behaviors associ­ated with not getting vaccinated against covid-19 and its relationship with tourism through the Theory of Reasoned Action (TAR). A psychometrically validated instru­ment based on studies on covid-19 was used. 213 responses were obtained. The data was analyzed with a structural equation model (SEM). Results confirmed the useful­ness of TRA, a general mistrust of the vac­cine and government information. Beliefs are determinant for not getting vaccinated. Regarding travel, little interest, or refusal to be immunized to travel was found.



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