Solidarity as the foundation of the Social Rule of Law, Social Security and social protection in Colombia

La solidaridad como fundamento del Estado social de derecho, de la seguridad social y la protección social en Colombia

Main Article Content

Leonardo Cañon Ortegon


Solidarity as a human value, as a philosophical principle of the Social Security and as a duty of the Colombians tightly connects the foundations of the Social Rule of Law with the Social Security Model, whose parameters were set by the Political Constitution of 1991 for the development of the model of social security and social protection. The last adopted by Colombia according to Law 100 of 1993 in its diverse applications: pensions, health, occupational risks, complementary social services, social protection and unemployed worker protection. It constitutes the fundamental instrument of the Colombian society, reaching the objectives of security and social protection under the leadership, surveillance and control of the State. That implies the complementary instruments of the State such as the compulsory affiliation to the social security system, the intervention of the State, the correction of the State in non-solidarity cases of contributors or small tax payers for the benefit of the higher income sectors of the population.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Leonardo Cañon Ortegon, Universidad Externado de Colombia

Lawyer of Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario. Former Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security. Professor of Social Security at the universities Externado, Rosario and Javeriana. Author of books and articles on social security. Consultant in social security.

References (SEE)

Almansa Pastor, José Manuel. Derecho de la Seguridad Social, vol. II. Madrid: Editorial Tecnos, 1977.

Atala, Carlos Alberto. Derecho de la Seguridad Social, 2a. ed. Buenos Aires: Editorial Astrea, 2002.

Cárdenas, Mauricio. “Presupuesto 2017 para la nueva economía”. Presentación del Ministerio de Hacienda en rueda de prensa, Bogotá, julio de 2016.

Departamento Nacional de Planeación (DNP). “Documento Conpes 156, diseño e implementación de los beneficios económicos periódicos (Beps)”. Documento de trabajo, Consejo Nacional de Política Económica y Social de la República de Colombia — Conpes, Bogotá, septiembre
11 de 2012.

Peña Ruiz, Henry. Qu’est-ce que la Solidarité. Angoulême: AC Editions Heille & Astor, 2011.

Procuraduría General de la Nación. El derecho a la salud. Bogotá: Procuraduría General de la Nación, Dejusticia y Agència Catalana de Coperació al Desenvolupament, 2008.

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