Disability allowance in charge of the comprehensive social security system. Approaches to the responsibilities of the different subsystems

Subsidio por incapacidad como prestación económica a cargo del sistema integral de seguridad social. Aproximaciones a las responsabilidades de los distintos subsistemas

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Jorge Mario Dávila Villegas


The disability allowance that has a common origin is an economic payment that initially corresponds to the employer and then, the responsibility for their recognition and payment is transferred to the Comprehensive Social Security System. From the third day to day one hundred and eighty, the obligation corresponds to the health system throughout the Health Promoting Entities, from there until day five hundred and forty, prior to the observation of certain requirements; the retirement system will be responsible for the payment of the benefit. In the event that after five hundred and forty days, the incapacity persists, the Health System will be again responsible for the payment of this allowance



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Author Biography (SEE)

Jorge Mario Dávila Villegas

Graduated from BA in Law and the Specialization in Public Law by Universidad Externado de Colombia. Attended to the course: "Derecho Internacional de la Seguridad Social: Convenio Multilateral Iberoamericano de Seguridad Social" organized by Fundación Centro de Educación a Distancia para el Desarrollo Económico y Tecnológico and OISS (Iberoamerican Organization of Social Security). Academic Coordinator at Social Security and Labor Market Department at Universidad Externado de Colombia from 2014 to 2016.

References (SEE)

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